Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sweet Summer Photo Contest Winners are....

First of all, we have to thank all our amazing fans for entering our contest and everyone that voted! We are climbing up in the numbers of fans we have and we are very thankful!

Our first place winner is-Ang with her Daughters Fishy photo!
Our second place winner is - Tara Amodeo with her kids at their dads soccer game!
Our third place winner is- Chanelle Courville with her son in the buggie!

Congrats to you all, it was a close call for the past few days!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sweet Summer Photo Contest

So we are doing a Photo Contest again! We have gotten the photos now to get some votes.
You can tag yourself in your photo, invite ppl to Sweet Images Photography so that they can like your photo. The photo with the most likes by July 24th at midnight will be our winner.

1st place will be a free 1 hour location session in Clarington (disk of images not included)
2nd place will be a free 30 min location session in Clarington (disk of images not included)
3rd place will be a $10.00 credit towards a session.

Sessions must be used by September 2012.