Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Couples Mini Sessions in July!

So we asked our fans what they would like to see for mini sessions. You all picked Couples. So we will be doing Mini sessions Sunday July 10th in Whitby at the Cullen Gardens. 
Sessions will be 30 mins with all images to disk in color and in black and white. For $60.00 per couple.
First session will be at:

                             1:00-1:30 and the last session will be at 7:00-7:30 pm

To book your session pls send us an email to sweetimages@live.ca or call 905-242-1925

Monday, May 23, 2011

Trying to find a Photographer?

Are you trying to find a Photographer that is comfortable with same sex couples? Well you have found her!

My sister is gay, and has been open about it for 6 years! I am so proud of her and the person she has become!

I have met some of her girlfriends and just this pass weekend, I got to meet her girlfriend Mackenzie. She is a beautiful person inside and out.

If you are struggling with finding someone to take your photos, pls consider me. I will make you feel comfortable during the session, and I promise the photos will be memories you can keep forever!

Here are a few photos of my sister Lacey and her girlfriend Mackenzie!

If you want to book a session pls email me at sweetimages@live.ca or call 905-242-1925

Friday, May 6, 2011

Its been a while!

Hi everyone! Its been a while since I have bloged, I have been busy thou.
I just got an amazing email from Grandparents who saw their Grandchildrens photos on my facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Sweet-Images-Photography/116188785060992?sk=wall
I had recently taken photos of Annie and her family, they just had a new addition. A baby girl named Katherine! She was sooo cute!

I love getting emails from people about my work.

"Hi, we are Lilienne, Benjamin and Katherine MacGregor's grampa and grammie. We just wanted to tell you how much we loved your photos of them. We also want to compliment your on your photographic skills, imagination and use of dramatic poses and expression in your work. Bang on young lady, we're sure you have a great future in your chosen profession. Thank you from a happy Grammie and Grampa. Jerry and Jude Snider."

 I want to thank all my clients past, present and future!
You all make me love what I am doing!