Friday, April 1, 2011

The Spring Fling Winner!! Is it you?

So we have our winner! It took me 2 hours to get everything in order this morning, and been busy all day.

I want to thank everyone for entering our giveway! We are thinking of doing another one in the summer. So keep checking our blog to see what vendors we wil have.

The winner is, Angela Marks MacKenzie!!!!! She did every step that was asked. 

"I posted the giveaway as my status and tagged all of the vendors (after some much needed help I had no clue how to "tag" in status's) lol thanks Grace!" (Angela)

Angela you have 24 hours to claim your prizes and contact vendors to set up shipping.
Congrats on all your fabulous prizes!!!!!

Photo session must be booked before June 2011.
Thank you everyone who entered!
